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CTC Laboratory Approved label 2022

"CTC Laboratory Approved" is an internal laboratory certification program that guarantees the accuracy of the control tests carried out.

This label demonstrates that “LEMAITRE Sécurité” has the expertise and know-how within its laboratory to validate the quality of its production.

Our laboratory have been evaluated, audited and approved by professionals from the CTC, which guarantees the reliability of our test results. 

The team has also benefited from the expertise, knowledge, and responsible and wise advice of the CTC.

This label recognizes internationally our expertise and the quality of our work. It was obtained through the efforts of a motivated, qualified and reliable team that even further optimized our processes.


We would like to adress our heartfelt gratitude to Laurent and Manuela who have displayed steadfast commitment to obtain this label, as well as Prisca and the entire LEMAITRE Sécurité team whose dedication and friendlyness lets us work in great conditions.

To learn more about the "CTC Lab Approved" program, please visit: